& Behavioural audit
Use the teachings of a qualitative and quantitative “stock take”of a public or retail environment through studying :
The routes taken by individuals and the number of visitors to the various areas of an environment.
Their active and passive interactions with the various areas of the environment (tracking, photo and video recording).
The organization of the environment’s various areas according to user or customer expectations
An inventory and evaluation of the existing sensory stimuli (movement, lighting, colours, shapes, furniture, etc.) which influence the subconscious behaviour of individuals in terms of choice of itinerary or purchasing.
The consistency between the aim of the environment and how this is articulated by its atmosphere.
The relevance and consistency of the information and communication features in the environment (signage, semiological signs, types of information)
The performance of merchandising aspects of commercial environments.

& Behavioural videos
Organise and analyse live recordings of your customers’ actual in stores experiences in order to better understand the factors that influence their behaviour and their attitudes towards the store and brands or the public space.
This analytical approach was developed by LABretail Research and is unique in Europe.
(*) Our use of anonymous observation techniques and photography and videos strictly comply with the legislation related to the protection of the privacy of individuals in all European countries and are monitored by a law firm specialized in the subject.

Discussion groups
Recruitment, facilitation and analysis of focus group discussions around specific themes with a view to establishing a synthesis of attitudinal and behavioural trends and finding ways to adjust the layout, organization, customer experience of comfort and well-being, customer traffic flows and their emotional reactions, and how a public space or a commercial environment communicates overall.

Our teams help define, select and validate the physical and semiological aspects of public spaces or commercial environments during either conceptual development or renovation phases by ensuring their coherence with the principles of the subconscious behaviour – physical, physiological and psychological – of users or customers.

Training in neuroscience,
Human and urban ethology
As applied to public spaces
Two-day training in the neuroscientific principles of the subconscious behaviour of users and customers – physical, physiological and psychological levels – and the consequences on their responses and attitudes as it happens and right in your locations.
This training is aimed primarily at architects, designers and managers of public spaces so that they can select the conceptual elements most appropriate to the unconscious well-being and comfort of their users..
This training is divided into theory (1 day) and practice (1 day).

Neuromarketing training in
A commercial environment
Two-and-a-half-day training in the neuroscientific principles of customers’ subconscious behaviour – physical, physiological and psychological – and their application in a commercial environment from a “meter by meter” perspective.
This training is intended for marketing, merchandising, store managers and their operational teams to ensure the sustainable implementation of elements that meet the unconscious needs of their customers during their in-store journey.
This training is divided into theory (1.5 days) and practice (1 day).

Training in neuroscience, human and urban ethology
One-and-a-half days of training in the neuroscientific principles behind the physical, physiological and psychological subconscious behaviour of Internet users visiting a brand or shop's website. How to apply this during the development or updating of a website or during the development of interactive digital kiosks.
This training is intended for a website’s UX design managers and product managers to ensure that the website corresponds to the unconscious rules of operation of Internet users but also to their societal expectations according to their specific profile.
It is shared between theory (1 day) and practice (1/2 day).

Research in applied cognitive neurosciences & human and generational socio-ethology
LABretail Research has been engaged in research in applied cognitive neuroscience since 2003. The new performances of medical imaging are at the origin of a more refined understanding of the unconscious cerebral functioning and of the more precise consecutive unconscious behaviors of the human being.
These studies are paralleled with other studies in socio-ethology carried out by our research institute which consists of comparing societal & generational developments to evaluate behavioral trends, particularly on community tribes at the start of the 20th century post-crisis.
All these evaluations allow brands and retail chains to reconcile their medium and long-term strategies with the requirements linked to these socio-ethological changes.
General management can thus transmit new knowledge in particular to their marketing, store concept and merchandising departments.

Who do
We serve?
Architects and managers
of a public space
Who wish to establish what customers are or aren't doing :
What routes do your users take and for which destinations.
How do you make the different routes in your space easy to understand?
What influence does the atmosphere of your space have on user perceptions, their behaviours and their feelings of well-being?
Are the signage systems sufficiently visible, legible, understandable and located where users need them?
Are the sequences of information and communication arranged logically on the routes that your users travel in relation to their needs?
Do visual contrasts in information effectively stimulate the selective attention of users?
What elements of your space cause an anxiety-inducing behavioral reaction and why?
How can the stress felt in a public space due to haste, crowding and cross-traffic be reduced? How can we reassure users? What needs to be put in place?
How can you help your users experience a moment of pleasure rather than a feeling of restriction in your public spaces so that they want to return and spend more time there?

You are a brand, distributor or a retailer
Obviously, you want to know and understand the unconscious behaviour of your individuals/customers in your stores or on your website:
How and why should we approach the fact that we are dealing with a human being whose needs must be satisfied in your stores or on your website before they become a customer?
Why is it important to understand their physical, physiological, psychological and cognitive sequential functioning in a commercial environment?
What sequences drive the unconscious functioning of their vision, memorative and mental maps? What are the consequences on their journey in the store or on the website?
How can you adapt the layout, organization, segmentation, and atmosphere of your in-store product worlds to the operating rules of an individual/customer?
What are the three fundamental behaviours of an individual/customer and how can you adapt your stores or website to these behaviours?
What are the current societal evolutions and how do they influence trade and distribution in particular?
What are the needs and demands of the new generations Y & Z in relation to commerce in general and in distribution in particular?
What are the relational expectations of the new generations in stores and on websites?
What are the emotional, rational and memorative values of the new generations and what are the consequences on their journey in stores and on websites?
What are the main traffic flows used by your individuals/customers in store? Why are the other traffic flows less frequented?
What are the most active areas in your stores? Why are others less active?
How can you improve the ones that are less busy in relation to the individual/customer’s operating sequences?
How do your individual/customers interact with the presentation of your product lines in stores or on your website?
How can you optimize their interactions with your products to better satisfy them?
What do your individual/customers "see" or not "see" in your stores or on your website? Why do they not see it?
What semiological keys (lighting, colours, contrasts, shapes, ...) influence the path of your individuals/customers in your stores or website? Why do they do this?
Do these keys correspond to the visual and memory recognition hierarchy of your individuals/customers and do they effectively stimulate their selective attention?

How do
We do it?
Anonymous(*) observations
of individuals
Get a consecutive inventory of the interactions, attitudes and behaviour of your visitors or clients as they move through your space or outlet by tracking with photo and video recordings.
Analysis of
the observations
Comparative analysis of interactions, attitudes and behaviours observed related to the unconscious physical, physiological and cognitive psychological functioning of users or individuals/customers. Our unique method results in realistic and applicable recommendations that will accentuate a state of well-being and comfort for your users or individuals/customers and stimulate a desire to return.
Our unique method draws on realistic and applicable recommendations that stimulate a state of wellbeing and comfort in your users and clients, prompting a desire to return. Our analyses are based on the principles of stimulating eye capture and selective attention, behavioural and environmental psychology, emotional and memorative processes, semiology, and non-verbal communication.
(*) Our use of anonymous observation techniques and photography and videos strictly comply with the legislation related to the protection of the privacy of individuals in all European countries and are monitored by a law firm specialized in the subject.
What added-value and
Benefits for your organisation ?
Improve users' well-being and their perception of comfort.
Increase the attraction for your public spaces by reducing anxiety inducing factors.
Create a better understanding of the suggested roots within the space and optimise the traffic flow.
Adjust sensory stimuli (materials, lighting, colours, sounds, signage, etc.) to respond to the subconscious physical, physiological and psychological needs of users.
Reduce users' stress caused by complex or dense traffic flows and negative interpersonal space “experiences” generated by the number of users within the space.
Reassure public space users' in anxiety-provoking societal contexts such as urban violence, terrorist attacks, assaults, etc.
An understanding of the new needs, socio-ethological and emotional expectations of the new generations of your clientele.
To have sales areas, product universes, and a website that concretely meet the needs and expectations of your different clienteles in general.
Understand both the conscious and unconscious functioning of the human being that precedes his or her "state" as a customer in order to increase his or her well-being and positive experience during the visit to your stores or website.
Increase the desire of your customers to interact with your products, to experience them.
To ensure the visibility and legibility of your brand, retail outlet or products as distinct and preferential compared to your competitors.
Make sure that your points of sale and your website no longer look like a pile of products that are meaningless in relation to the evolution of society.
Stand out from the outdated perception of stores and "mass" websites and become a fair and honest partner of daily life that adjusts its commercial proposals to the real needs of the 21st century.
Learn to tell stories that make sense to your customers and offer them not just products but solutions useful to their daily lives.
Ensure a better coherence and a more efficient consistency between the image and the discourse of your brand, of your retailer and the perception of your customers.
Recruit new customers and build loyalty among existing ones by meeting their emotional and rational expectations during their visit to your stores or website.
Benefit from conceptual solutions that can be easily implemented during the creation of a new store or prior to its renovation and that respond to the conscious and unconscious needs of the individuals/ customers.
Facilitate the realisation of your strategy objectives, both financial and relational.